
Surprise Discovery Reveals Secrets of Ancient Greek Shipwreck

Daisy Hips

Kyrenia Ship Hull during excavation. Kyrenia Ship hull on the seabed off northern Cyprus during underwater excavation in the later ...

Homo sapiens reached the higher latitudes of Europe by 45,000 years ago

Daisy Hips

Hublin, J.-J. et al. Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria. Nature 581, 299–302 (2020). Article  ADS  ...

Tracing North America’s First Migrants via the Sea Ice Highway

Daisy Hips

New findings suggest early humans arrived in North America earlier than 13,000 years ago, possibly using a “sea ice highway” ...

Tracing Human Migration and Colonization in the Americas Through Lice

Daisy Hips

Contact between Europeans and Native Americans is recorded in the DNA of head lice. Credit: Vincent Smith, Natural History Museum, ...

Women Were Prehistoric Hunters, Not Just Gatherers

Daisy Hips

University of Delaware anthropology professor Sarah Lacy has proposed a new theory that challenges the familiar story that labor roles ...