Blue Origin

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin launches rocket after failed 2022 flight attempt

Daisy Hips

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Blue ...

Blue Origin resumes New Shepard flights after 2022 mishap

Daisy Hips

Blue Origin, the rocket company owned by Amazon-founder Jeff Bezos, successfully launched an unpiloted New Shepard capsule to the edge ...

Inside Amazon’s Project Kuiper, Jeff Bezos’ effort to challenge Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet

Barbara Terrio

For a harrowing hour or two after Inc. launched its first satellites, it appeared the company might have lost one ...

Blue Origin set to return to flight more than a year after rocket failure during uncrewed launch

Daisy Hips

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. ...

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk: Human population not nearly big enough

Barbara Terrio

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and Blue Origin owner Jeff Bezos. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI,MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images We need more humans. ...

Sara Sabry on making space exploration more accessible

Daisy Hips

Editor’s Note: This CNN Travel series is, or was, sponsored by the destination it highlights. CNN retains full editorial control ...

Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as ‘official ballpoint’

Daisy Hips

Fisher Space Pen has some new Blue ballpoints. The maker of the pressurized-ink writing instruments used by astronauts to scrawl ...

ULA targets Christmas Eve for debut of new Vulcan Centaur rocket

Daisy Hips

The coming holiday season will be extra festive for space fans, if all goes according to plan. United Launch Alliance ...

Blue Origin reveals mockup of Blue Moon lunar lander prototype

Brendan Martin

WASHINGTON — Blue Origin has unveiled a full-sized mockup of an uncrewed version of its Blue Moon lunar lander that ...

Space Perspective unveils ‘Space Spa’ restroom for balloon tourist flights (images)

Daisy Hips

Space Perspective just unveiled the latest addition to its stratospheric tourism operation: a uniquely designed restroom, called the “Space Spa,” ...