brain development

Infant Microbiomes Dance to a Circadian Rhythm

Debi Johnson

Summary: Infant gut microbiomes develop circadian rhythms from as early as two weeks after birth, becoming more distinct as they ...

Babies Predict Actions Based on Language Community

Debi Johnson

Summary: Six-month-old infants can predict actions of individuals who speak their mother tongue, but not of those speaking a foreign ...

THC Metabolism Could Influence Cannabis Use Disorder Risk

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers linked differences in THC metabolism to varying effects of cannabis use and the risk of developing Cannabis Use ...

The Genetic Secrets of Neuron Formation

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers illuminated the pivotal role of the protein MEIS2 in brain development, particularly in the differentiation of inhibitory projection ...

When Do Babies Begin to Be Conscious?

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers propose a new approach to determine when consciousness emerges in infancy. Their suggestion, based on identifying markers of ...

Autism Social Difficulties Linked to Specific Gene

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers shed light on the genetic underpinnings of social behavior, focusing on the gene GTF2I’s role in Williams syndrome ...

Placenta’s Role in Brain Development Linked to Child Cognition

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reveals the oxygenation levels in the placenta during the last trimester of pregnancy are a key ...

Stem Cells Model of Early Human Central Nervous System Created

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers have developed the first stem cell culture method that accurately models the early stages of the human central ...

Brains of Bullied Teens Show Chemical Shifts Linked to Psychosis

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study revealed a significant link between bullying in adolescents and the early stages of psychosis, associated with ...

How Childhood Trauma Alters Brain Pathways

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers shed light on the profound effects of childhood trauma on brain development, uncovering significant disruptions in neural networks ...