
A Headset That Zaps the Brain

Debi Johnson

A new study suggests there may be a way to ease the pain of harrowing breakups, clinically known as ...

My neighbor screamed at me, and I’m not over it

Gregory Daniels

Dear Amy: I have been walking buddies with a neighbor for the last 12 years. We walk together about once ...

Woman Breaks Up With Boyfriend Because He Didn’t Like The Baby Name That Came To Her In A Dream

Debi Johnson

Many of us have had a dream that lingered with us far past waking up. Years ago, a content creator named Emma ...

10 Ways You Fundamentally Change When Someone Breaks Up With You

Daisy Hips

Breakups hurt. End of story. They not only affect you right away but also have lasting effects (some good, some ...

You Can’t Move On From A Break-Up Until You Ask Yourself These 7 Questions

Daisy Hips

By: Jenna Birch When it comes to breakups, anything goes…at first. You went through your boxes of tissues, took that ...

Why Men Suffer From Lovesickness More Than Women

Debi Johnson

The biggest problem with love is that sometimes it doesn’t last. When love comes to an end, the effects of ...