Cancer (disease)

Italian teen Carlos Acutis is first millennial saint: Gods Influencer

Abhinav Thawait

Pope Francis okays Carlo Acutis to become the first millennial saint Pope Francis approved the canonization of Carlo Acutis, a ...

Eat more fibre, have safe sex and seven other lifestyle hacks to decrease your chance of getting cancer

Debi Johnson

WHEN it comes to cancer, the statistics are stark – half of us are predicted to develop the disease in ...

Mum, 38, died months after ‘tingly feeling’ on her wedding day turned out to incurable brain tumour

Debi Johnson

MICHELLE Noakes married the love of her life Simon in August 2019. It was their dream wedding. And, like most ...

Obesity linked to 32 types of cancer as disease ‘fuels 40% of cases’, experts warn

Debi Johnson

GETTING fat could be a factor in four out of 10 cancers, a major study has found. Experts say obesity ...

Most common cancer types, 2022 rates and mortality released: New study

Debi Johnson

WHO predicts cancer cases will rise 77% by 2050 About 1 in 5 men and 1 in 5 women will ...

Mary-Lou Arruda’s brother Tony battles back from stage four cancer

Debi Johnson

RAYNHAM — After undergoing three years of chemotherapy, radiation and multiple surgeries that led to severe mobility issues, Raynham farmer ...

Chances of getting cancer for Americans and who is most at risk

Debi Johnson

Princess Kate’s cancer diagnosis at age 42 shines a light on a dreaded disease that seems to be striking people ...

American women are outliving men by 6 years since pandemic. But why?

Debi Johnson

Researchers cite the COVID-19 pandemic and drug overdoses as among the driving factors for the biggest difference in longevity between ...