climate science

As glaciers melt faster in Alaska, here’s what’s at risk

Daisy Hips

UN chief warns rising temperatures could lead Earth to ‘climate hell’ The United Nations secretary-general says the world isn’t doing ...

2024 summer weather forecast: Expect unusually hot temperatures

Elaine Hadley

What we know about climate change effect on hurricane strength A recent study suggests that climate change will likely make ...

New Research Shatters Old Climate Change Assumptions

Daisy Hips

Recent research on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation reveals the climate system’s complexity and unpredictability, challenging the notion of straightforward ...

NASA’s Startling Findings on Greenland’s Ice Loss

Daisy Hips

Jakobshavn Isbrae, a glacier on Greenland’s western coast, is shown in imagery taken on September 4, 2022, by Landsat 8, ...

A Deep Dive Into 66 Million Years of CO2 Data

Daisy Hips

The concentration of atmospheric CO2 is currently at a record high of 419 ppm due to human activities, particularly the ...

The True Culprits Behind the Fall of Earth’s Largest Beasts

Daisy Hips

Prehistoric people are attacking an elephant. New research shows that humans and not the climate caused a sharp decline in ...

Climate Change’s Deep Ocean Threat

Daisy Hips

New research reveals that fire-ice, or frozen methane which is trapped as a solid under our oceans, is at risk ...

Plants Might Be Able To Absorb More CO2 Than Expected

Daisy Hips

Recent research indicates that plants could absorb more atmospheric CO2 than previously believed, providing a hopeful perspective on climate change ...

Pioneering scientist says global warming is accelerating. Some experts call his claims overheated

Daisy Hips

One of modern climate science’s pioneers is warning that the world isn’t just steadily warming but is dangerously accelerating, according ...