
Space Junk Removal Company Snaps Beautiful Photo of Discarded Rocket

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Tokyo-based Astroscale Japan is a company attempting to deal with the growing problem of floating space garbage. As part of ...

NASA and SpaceX studying ways to mitigate Dragon trunk debris

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WASHINGTON — NASA and SpaceX are examining how to alter the Dragon spacecraft’s reentry process to limit the amount of ...

Who Pays If Space Junk Falls On Your House?

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Topline A family from Florida is suing NASA after a piece of debris from the International Space Station fell to ...

Strange debris found around WNC part of SpaceX spacecraft

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ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — It’s official: Debris found littered across several places in Western North Carolina were part of a ...

Satellite Captures Up Close Photo of Giant Piece of Space Junk

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A discarded rocket upper stage floating around Earth. | Astroscale A satellite designed to eliminate the increasing amount of space ...

Space debris is a huge problem, but we can fix it

Daisy Hips

Humans are filling the space around Earth with trash. Most of this junk comes from abandoned satellites, discarded jet engines, ...