
What it’s like to have the rare disorder.

Debi Johnson

In What It’s Like, people tell us, well, what it’s like to have experiences many of us have not even ...

Watch Neuralink’s First Human Subject Demonstrate His Brain-Computer Interface

Brendan Martin

On Wednesday, Neuralink introduced the first human subject to receive the company’s brain implant, a 29-year-old man who has been ...

Diagnoses of mental health and behavioural conditions have surged since Covid

Debi Johnson

A total of 1.6million children are now classed as disabled, up a third since Covid Almost 140,000 children received payments ...

Spain changes constitution language on disabilities

Gregory Daniels

The Spanish parliament voted to remove the term ‘handicapped’ and replace it with ‘persons with a disability’. ADVERTISEMENT It’s a ...

Former NAACP Leader Removed From AMC Theater Over Seating Issue

Barbara Terrio

A disabled civil rights leader was escorted out of an AMC theater in Greenville, North Carolina, by police over his ...

Thalamus-targeted deep brain stimulation improves cognition in brain injury patients

Debi Johnson

In a recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine, researchers evaluated the effectiveness and safety of deep brain stimulation ...

Disabled People Should Work From Home or Lose Benefits

Abhinav Thawait

Critics of the UK’s ruling Conservative Party say welfare reforms unveiled Wednesday show why it is nicknamed the “nasty ...