extreme weather events

Climate change is throwing the water cycle into chaos across the U.S.

Elaine Hadley

The water cycle that shuttles Earth’s most vital resource around in an unending, life-giving loop is in trouble. Climate change ...

Kendall Stanley: Disasters waiting

Elaine Hadley

2023 was a disastrous year, and I don’t mean politically as MAGA would have you believe. Nope, Mother Nature hammered ...

The year’s most extreme weather shows what a warming planet is capable of, and what’s to come

Daisy Hips

In the hottest year on record, the fingerprints of a changing climate in a warming world were all over dozens ...

10 dramatic discoveries about Earth from 2023

Daisy Hips

With climate change continuing to affect our planet and mitigating measures lagging, 2023 has been another eventful year for Earth. ...

2023 Arctic Report Card proves “time for action is now,” NOAA says

Daisy Hips

Not unlike the rest of the Earth, this summer was the hottest ever recorded in the Arctic, where scientists say ...

Floods kill more than 20 people in northern Tanzania -government

Daisy Hips

DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) – At least 20 people have been killed by floods after heavy rain in the Manyara ...

To save the climate, the oil and gas sector must slash planet-warming operations, report says

Daisy Hips

The oil and gas sector, one of the major emitters of planet-warming gases, will need a rapid and substantial overhaul ...

Sobering climate change report says we’re falling way short of Paris Climate Agreement promises

Daisy Hips

MINNEAPOLIS — The United Nations has provided a new and stark update on our progress toward mitigating climate change. Simply ...

U.S., already hit by 25 disasters of $1 billion each, could see more flooding this year

Daisy Hips

The United States has had a record 25 weather disasters so far in 2023, each of which caused at least ...

Is climate change causing floods across the world?

Gregory Daniels

More than 11,000 people were killed and 30,000 were displaced in Libya after torrential rains caused once-in-a-century floods that burst ...