
Chinese scientists identify gene that may help protect against obesity

Daisy Hips

A 2022 study published in The Lancet ranked Chinese women 190th globally in terms of obesity prevalence, and Chinese men ...

Vitamin B Deficiency in Gut Linked to Parkinson’s

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reveals a link between gut bacteria and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Researchers found a decrease in genes ...

Maternal Alzheimer’s: A Risk Factor for Brain Changes

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study finds that inheriting Alzheimer’s risk from your mother, regardless of her age at onset, is linked ...

Cancer Drug May Halt Parkinson’s Spread

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers discovered a novel therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease, the Aplp1 protein, which facilitates the spread of harmful alpha-synuclein ...

Mutated tribe can swim to bottom of ocean after developing ‘sea nomad gene’

Debi Johnson

The Bajau tribe of Indonesia have become the first known humans to genetically adapt to diving. The tribe live an ...

Complete Gene Insertion Now Possible in Human Cells

Daisy Hips

Researchers at the Broad Institute have improved gene-editing to efficiently insert entire genes into human cells, offering potential for single-gene ...

FUS Protein Linked to FTD and ALS Spread

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reveals how the FUS protein aggregates and spreads in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ...

Dad’s Diet Before Conception Affects Kids’ Health

Debi Johnson

Summary: A father’s diet before conception can impact his children’s health, particularly their susceptibility to metabolic diseases. The study, using ...

Tiny Fern Has the Largest Genome of Any Organism on Earth

Daisy Hips

Researchers have identified Tmesipteris oblanceolata, a fern from New Caledonia, as having the largest genome recorded, surpassing the previous record-holder ...

Genes Link Sleep Patterns to Autism and Bipolar Disorder

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers found genetic associations between sleep patterns and neuropsychiatric conditions like autism, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. Polygenic risk score ...

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