
Brain Protein Bonding Offers Fresh Pathways to Schizophrenia Treatments

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers have discovered an interaction between two brain proteins, MAP6 and Kv3.1, that affect movement, anxiety, and memory in ...

Novel Schizophrenia Insights from Brain Organoids and Genes

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers leveraged cutting-edge technology to gain insights into schizophrenia’s neurodevelopmental origins. The researchers grew brain organoids from patients’ skin ...

Scientists find people who live past 90 have differences in their blood

Debi Johnson

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. ...

Food and Exercise Aren’t the Only Keys to Living Past 90

Debi Johnson

While trend pieces that describe which foods to eat or the magic number of steps to walk each day ...