
UC Berkeley’s Quantum Leap in Dark Energy Research

Daisy Hips

Physicists at UC Berkeley immobilized small clusters of cesium atoms (pink blobs) in a vertical vacuum chamber, then split each ...

How Modified Gravity Challenges Einstein and Dark Matter

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Using gravitational lensing, scientists uncovered that dark matter may stretch over a million light-years from galactic centers, proposing significant adjustments ...

Now that’s what I call death defying! Scientists suggest building a Wall of Death on the moon to help keep astronauts fit in low gravity

Daisy Hips

Scientists say that running on a ‘Wall of Death’ could keep people fit on the moon Running horizontally generates enough ...

Exploring the “Cosmic Glitch” in Gravity

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Researchers propose a modification to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, suggesting a “cosmic glitch” that makes gravity slightly weaker across ...

Scientists discover ‘cosmic glitch’ at the edge of the universe –

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WATERLOO, Ontario — Have scientists discovered a “cosmic glitch” in the gravity of the universe? That’s what a team in Canada ...

Graviton-like Particles Found in Quantum Experiments

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Light probing a chiral graviton mode in a fractional quantum Hall effect liquid. Credit: Lingjie Du, Nanjing University The results, ...

Quantum Gravity Unveiled – Scientists Crack the Cosmic Code That Baffled Einstein

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Researchers have developed a method to measure gravity at a microscopic level, marking a significant advancement in understanding quantum gravity. ...

There’s a New Theory About Where Dark Matter Is Hiding

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But there may be opportunities to indirectly spot the signatures of those gravitons. One strategy Vafa and his collaborators are ...

Nesting Doll Stars Proposed as Solution to General Relativity

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If you asked an astrophysicist what is yet to be discovered in the universe, there’s a good chance they’d paraphrase ...

Why Does Gravity Pull Us Down and Not Up?

Daisy Hips

Einstein’s general relativity explains gravity as the result of spacetime curvature due to mass, contrasting with magnetism’s dual ability to ...

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