Green Living u0026 Environmental Issues

Are wind turbines bad, solar panels toxic?

Barbara Terrio

Here’s how wind farms affect our environment Wind energy is the largest renewable energy source in the US, but it ...

How one couple’s land lease became a fight

Barbara Terrio

Opposition to large solar and wind farms grows in Kansas One farm family hopes to see a solar energy plant ...

Elevated black carbon levels found in several MS cities

Debi Johnson

Elevated levels of black carbon, a factor in cancer risk and climate change, were found in several towns and cities ...

Cummins engines systematically tricked air quality controls, feds say

Barbara Terrio

The United States Department of Justice is slamming an Indiana-based engine manufacturing company with a $1.675 billion penalty in a ...

How much will Christmas lights add to my electric bill?

Barbara Terrio

How tech can help your holiday decorations Light up your holiday decorations with ease using these tech tips. ProblemSolved, USA ...

With Arctic permafrost thawing, Pentagon frets over deadly pathogens

Debi Johnson

Expect ‘more intense heatwaves’ as a result of climate change Weather experts at the World Meteorological Organization said there is ...

Climate change effects threaten sharks, studies find. Here’s why.

Daisy Hips

The ocean’s most feared but fascinating predators face increasing dangers from the world’s warming oceans, scientists found in two international ...

Vampire bat habitat expansion increases risk of rabies, study says

Debi Johnson

There is a new study about vampire bats that, while perfectly timed for Halloween season, is raising alarms for the ...