
Free tetanus shots in Omaha for storm clean-up crews

Debi Johnson

Anyone who incurs a scrape or shallow puncture wound while cleaning up storm debris in the Omaha area can get ...

Breakthrough in Flu Prevention? Scientists Discover Surprising Power of Century-Old Vaccine

Debi Johnson

Researchers at the McGill University Health Centre have found that the old tuberculosis vaccine, BCG, also protects against influenza A, ...

The Key to Preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?

Debi Johnson

Scientists have discovered that the brain’s activity during sleep, particularly the generation of rhythmic brain waves, is crucial for flushing ...

Vaccine Life Hack: Use Both Arms

Debi Johnson

Here’s one weird trick for making the most out of your next two-dose vaccine: get a shot in both arms. ...

Scientists Discover a “Switch” To Trigger Cancer Cell Death

Debi Johnson

Researchers have identified a vital epitope on the CD95 receptor, which can trigger programmed cell death and may enhance cancer ...

Raccoons to be trapped, vaccinated for rabies in Omaha

Debi Johnson

Federal, state and local wildlife and health officials are launching a testing, trapping and vaccination program for wildlife in Douglas ...