Lockheed Martin

Biden questions Netanyahu’s motives, Hamas won’t bend

Abhinav Thawait

Biden lays out potential cease-fire agreement in Israel-Hamas conflict President Joe Biden said a new agreement for a potential ceasefire ...

Comparison of NASA Commercial Crew Boeing Starliner vs SpaceX Dragon

Daisy Hips

One has already carried eight NASA crews and three private crews to the International Space Station. The other is launching ...

How Scientists Are Preparing for Apophis’s Unnervingly Close Brush With Earth

Daisy Hips

In about five years’ time, a potentially hazardous asteroid will swing by Earth at an eerily close distance of less ...

Air Force picks Anduril, General Atomics for next round of CCA work

Barbara Terrio

Air Warfare Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall speaks with students and guests during the Senior Leader Orientation Course ...

Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket put a satellite in the wrong orbit in December. Now we know why.

Daisy Hips

We now know why the fourth-ever launch of Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket didn’t go entirely to plan. That mission, called ...

NASA and Lockheed Martin debut quiet supersonic ‘son of Concorde’ plane

Barbara Terrio

News By Jesse O’Neill Published Jan. 15, 2024, 3:30 p.m. ET Aeronautic officials debuted a new quiet supersonic plane capable ...

NASA unveils the revolutionary X-59 Quesst ‘quiet’ supersonic jet 9 (photos, video)

Daisy Hips

The X-59 is finally here. As NASA’s newest X-plane, the X-59 is designed to break the sound barrier without the ...

First Flight of the Vulcan Rocket Sends an American Lander Toward the Moon

Daisy Hips

A brand-new rocket lifted off early Monday morning from Cape Canaveral, Florida, sending a robotic spacecraft toward the surface of ...

New Vulcan rocket sends privately-built Moon lander to space

Daisy Hips

By Joey Roulette WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A robotic lander built by a private company was bound for the moon on Monday ...

First US moon landing mission in decades launches with NASA science, humans remains on board

Daisy Hips

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. ...

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