lunar soil

Yes, That’s a Lego Brick Made Out of Meteorite Dust

Daisy Hips

In the 5th Avenue Lego store in Manhattan, in the back toward the stairs going to the second level, there’s ...

China wants to send plants, microbes and lunar resource experiments to the moon in 2028

Daisy Hips

An upcoming Chinese lunar mission will carry a small ecosystem and other payloads to test using lunar resources later this ...

Lunar astronauts could potentially make hummus with moon-grown chickpeas

Daisy Hips

Researchers have for the first time grown chickpea seeds in soil similar to that found on the moon, paving the ...

Boulders Covered in Weird Dust Found on the Moon

Daisy Hips

Scientists scrutinizing the fine dust covering the Moon have identified a handful of boulders on the lunar surface that they ...

Moon Dust: Lunar construction breakthrough: Scientists to use solar fusion to make moon roads

Daisy Hips

Scientists believe that lunar dust may one day serve as a raw material for constructing roads and landing pads on ...