
Cyber experts warn of new Chrome, Microsoft money stealing malware

Brendan Martin

A new and sophisticated malware that impersonates Google Chrome and Microsoft has the potential to steal money from Microsoft device ...

New ‘Brokewell’ Smartphone Attack Drains Bank Accounts and Leaks Location, Posing ‘Significant Threat to Banking Industry’: Report

Brendan Martin

Security researchers are issuing an urgent alert about a new malware attack that’s targeting Android users’ bank accounts. The malware, ...

No, A Flipper Zero Is Not A Tesla-Stealing Multitool

Brendan Martin

According to what seems like half the internet, the Flipper Zero is a nefarious tool that enables the villainous sorcery ...

You Need to Update WinRAR, Right Now

Brendan Martin

Government-backed hackers from Russia and China exploited a known vulnerability in outdated versions of WinRAR, the world’s most popular compression ...