
Early Ovary Removal Linked to Reduced Brain White Matter Integrity

Debi Johnson

Summary: Women who undergo ovary removal before menopause, especially before age 40, show reduced white matter integrity in their brains ...

The ‘red flag’ symptom of bladder cancer women need to know about – which GPs often wrongly dismiss as a menopause side effect or urine infection

Debi Johnson

The ‘red-flag’ warning signs of bladder cancer are often being missed by GPs and wrongly dismissed as urine infections, menopause ...

The foods that cancer experts want you to stop eating

Debi Johnson

Enjoy eating a bacon sandwich, a few slices of chorizo, cake or maybe even a pint of beer?  Well, these ...

Women in wealthy areas are twice as likely to get access to HRT, official data shows

Debi Johnson

Menopause specialists have said women struggling with debilitating hot flushes, sleepless nights and insomnia were too often short-changed if they ...

How to eat to beat the menopause (and shed those midlife pounds): These are the surprising reasons chocolate will stop your snacking, fibre is like natural Ozempic and cottage cheese will keep you calm

Debi Johnson

Should menopausal women be eating like weightlifters? That’s certainly what a new analysis suggests. Scientists from Semmelweis University in Budapest ...

All women should be having orgasms in midlife and beyond, and here’s how to do it… by a top professor who reveals the incredible health benefits

Debi Johnson

I’m going to tell you something few people will. In fact, it’s the final menopause taboo: something considered so private ...

Cold Water Dip Eases More Than Hot Flashes

Debi Johnson

Cold plunges are all the rage. Groups dedicated to the practice have sprung up around the world, while a ...

How to have the best sex of your life as you get older

Debi Johnson

WOMEN across the country are seeking new ways of having great sex as they get older.  Perimenopausal and menopausal women ...

Mom-of-seven, 60, details her secrets to getting washboard abs as she stresses the importance of exercising during menopause

Debi Johnson

Dalyce Radtke, 60, from Arizona, is a fitness fanatic who shares her tips online The mother-of-seven frequently boasts her toned ...

Stacy London, menopause guru, takes on women’s healthcare, sexuality and the patriarchy

Gary Rose

For 10 years of the early aughts, Stacy London was on TLC telling women What Not to Wear, gaining legions ...

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