military service

Posts mislead on employment for survivors of 1980 massacre in South Korea

Abhinav Thawait

Survivors of a pro-democracy uprising in South Korea and their immediate family are not exempt from military service and are ...

Revised mobilization bill seeks to reinforce conscription in Ukraine in 2024

Abhinav Thawait

Ukraine’s leadership is seeking to kickstart a mobilization campaign to replenish the ranks in 2024. For that, it needs an ...

How to apply, types, and duration ― Any planned changes from Feb. 1

Abhinav Thawait

Many soldiers have been defending Ukraine since the first day of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Rest is crucial for any task, ...

New law designates special counsels to prosecute sex crimes in US military

Evan Massoud

Incidents of sexual harassment and assault have been on the rise across the US military for roughly the last 15 ...

Defense Ministry mulling e-notifications to replace draft notices

Abhinav Thawait

Ukraine is considering implementing an e-notification system to replace draft notices for men who are conscripted, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov ...

Russian propaganda spreading lies about female conscription in Ukraine, says disinfo center

Abhinav Thawait

Russian propagandists have begun lying about Ukraine’s purported mass conscription of women, Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation reported on Dec. ...