Nagoya University

The Secret to Longer Life? Scientists Uncover Unexpected Health Benefits of Eating Small Fish

Debi Johnson

Eating small fish whole can prolong life expectancy, a Japanese study finds. Credit: Chinatsu Kasahara In Japan, people habitually eat ...

Vitamin B Deficiency in Gut Linked to Parkinson’s

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reveals a link between gut bacteria and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Researchers found a decrease in genes ...

New Research Suggests That Cutting Exposure to Common Chemicals Could Slow Aging

Debi Johnson

Researchers at Nagoya University have linked aldehydes, byproducts from alcohol, pollution, and smoke, to premature aging and DNA damage, proposing ...

Scientists Discover Hidden Biological Culprit Responsible for Middle-Aged Obesity

Debi Johnson

A study by Nagoya University reveals that middle-age obesity may be caused by the shortening of specific brain structures that ...

Uncovering the Strange Genetic Impact of Electric Eels

Daisy Hips

Researchers at Nagoya University discovered that electric eels, capable of generating up to 860 volts, can induce genetic modifications in ...

A Solar Superstorm Struck Earth 150 Years Ago – Now, New Research Reveals That They Are Much More Common That We Thought

Daisy Hips

A Japanese auroral drawing showing an observation at Okazaki on 4 February 1872, as reproduced with courtesy of Shounji Temple ...

How Human Actions Alter COVID-19 Evolution

Debi Johnson

Summary: A research group using AI and mathematical modeling has discovered that human behavioral responses to COVID-19, like lockdowns and ...

Screen Time’s Link to Autism and ADHD Explored

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers examined the connection between screen time and genetic predispositions to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ADHD. Analyzing over ...