
Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline

Debi Johnson

Summary: Giving birth to low-birth-weight infants may be associated with memory and thinking problems later in life. The research, involving ...

Dad’s Diet Before Conception Affects Kids’ Health

Debi Johnson

Summary: A father’s diet before conception can impact his children’s health, particularly their susceptibility to metabolic diseases. The study, using ...

Brain Training in Kids Shows No Real-World Benefits

Debi Johnson

Summary: Brain training exercises for children do not significantly improve their cognitive control, academic performance, or delay gratification. The research ...

Autism Severity Linked to Fetal Brain Growth Patterns

Debi Johnson

Summary: Brain overgrowth in utero may explain the varying severity of autism in children. Researchers used brain organoids from toddlers ...

Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers used a wearable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development ...

Internet Addiction Disrupts Adolescent Brain Networks

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reviewed neuroimaging research on internet addiction in adolescents, revealing disrupted brain signaling in critical neural networks. ...

Early Autism Diagnosis Enhanced by Eye-Tracking Technology

Debi Johnson

Summary: Eye-tracking biomarkers can improve autism diagnosis in children. Combining eye-tracking with primary care evaluations increased diagnostic accuracy to 91% ...

Prenatal Amphetamine Exposure Impacts Brain Development

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study used C. elegans to study the long-term effects of amphetamine exposure during embryogenesis, finding significant alterations ...

Teen Social Networks Influence Mental Health Disorder Spread

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers found that mental disorders can spread within school social networks. By analyzing data from over 700,000 Finnish ninth-graders, ...

Key Brain Differences in Autistic Boys and Girls Identified

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers discovered significant sex-specific differences in brain development between autistic boys and girls aged 2-13. The study found that ...

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