
Stunted Growth in Infants Reshapes Brain Function and Cognitive Outcomes

Debi Johnson

Summary: Research reveals that infants with stunted growth show cognitive ability disruptions as early as six months. The study demonstrates ...

Brain Protein Bonding Offers Fresh Pathways to Schizophrenia Treatments

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers have discovered an interaction between two brain proteins, MAP6 and Kv3.1, that affect movement, anxiety, and memory in ...

Higher Triglycerides Tied to Lower Dementia Risk

Debi Johnson

Summary: Older individuals with elevated triglyceride levels might be at a reduced risk for dementia. Researchers studied over 18,000 seniors ...

Brain’s Fluid Shield May Dim Cancer Treatments: Old Drug Offers Hope

Debi Johnson

Summary: Cerebrospinal fluid, our brain’s protective liquid, may be making brain cancers like glioblastoma more resistant to treatments. These findings ...

Zoom Conversations vs In-Person: Brain Activity Tells a Different Tale

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study reveals a significant disparity in neural activity during face-to-face conversations compared to Zoom interactions. Using advanced ...

How Cocaine Rewires Brain’s Reward System

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers revealed, through neuroimaging, how cocaine addiction modifies the brain’s reward evaluation system, impacting adaptive behavior. This modification explains ...

Unlocking the “D Factor”: A New Measure for General Distractibility in ADHD

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers have statistically identified a novel measure, the “d factor”, which could indicate a person’s general propensity towards distraction ...

Sniffing Out Longevity: Aversion to Harmful Odors May Affect Lifespan

Debi Johnson

Summary: Nematodes from the species Caenorhabditis elegans show aversion to harmful odors, which might be an indicator of their enhanced ...

Bipolar Disorder Can Be Detected With Blood Test

Debi Johnson

Summary: A novel approach combines an online psychiatric assessment with a blood test to diagnose bipolar disorder, a condition often ...

Novel Schizophrenia Insights from Brain Organoids and Genes

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers leveraged cutting-edge technology to gain insights into schizophrenia’s neurodevelopmental origins. The researchers grew brain organoids from patients’ skin ...