
Tailoring Magnetic Stimulation for Depression

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers reveal how targeting transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) could enhance treatment for depression. The study identified an electrophysiological marker ...

New Tech Maps Human Brain in Unprecedented Detail

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a technology pipeline to image entire human brain hemispheres at high resolution. This breakthrough allows for detailed ...

Wearable Scanner Maps Children’s Brain Activity

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers used a wearable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development ...

AI-Enhanced VR May Alleviate Public Speaking Anxiety

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study explores using VR and AI to improve public speaking skills and reduce anxiety. PresentationPro simulates realistic ...

Revolutionary Tool Unveils Hidden Brain Cell Functions

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers developed ConVERGD, a tool for precise manipulation of specific cell subpopulations, enhancing studies of cellular diversity. The study ...

Light-Activated Drug Induces Sleep by Targeting Brain Receptors

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a light-sensitive drug that enhances adenosine activity in the brain, inducing sleep in mice without genetic modification. ...

Light-Activated Muscles Beat Fatigue – Neuroscience News

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers have developed a new approach to muscle control using light instead of electricity. This optogenetic technique allows for ...

Wrap Around Spinal Cord Device May Transform Injury Treatment

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord, offering a new method for treating spinal ...

Brain Veins as Light Detectors: A New Path to Deep Brain Imaging

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers innovated a novel bioluminescence detection technique to image deep brain structures, circumventing the challenge of light scattering. This ...

New Tech Unlocks Secrets of Gene Regulation and Epigenetics

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers developed an innovative epigenome editing platform that enables precise programming of epigenetic modifications across the genome. This technology ...