
Nano-Scale Vision Implant Promises New Hope for Blindness

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a novel vision implant, featuring electrodes as small as a single neuron. This advanced technology, designed to ...

Virtual Reality Shows Promise in Treating Depression

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study demonstrates the potential of virtual reality (VR) in treating major depressive disorder (MDD). Using extended reality-enhanced ...

Robot Masters Terrain with Animal-Like Gait Transitions

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers leveraged deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to enable a robot to adaptively switch gaits, mimicking animal movements like trotting ...

Robots vs. Animals: Who Wins the Race in Natural Settings?

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers explored whether modern robots can outpace biological organisms in speed and agility. The study concludes that despite advances ...

Tiny Robotic Nerve Cuffs Promise Breakthrough in Neurocare

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed innovative, flexible devices that can gently wrap around nerve fibers, potentially transforming the diagnosis and treatment of ...

How Sensory Experiences Shape Neurons

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study introduces BARseq—a rapid, cost-effective method for mapping brain cells, revealing new insights into how our brains ...

New Tool Maps Brain Signals with Unprecedented Clarity

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed an innovative chemical tool to explore how signals like dopamine and epinephrine interact with neurons via G ...

CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers initiated a pioneering clinical trial using an advanced form of CAR-T therapy, enhanced by synthetic notch (synNotch) technology, ...

Pea-Sized Human Brain Stimulator Invented

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a groundbreaking pea-sized brain stimulator, the Digitally Programmable Over-brain Therapeutic (DOT), capable of wireless operation through magnetoelectric ...

Learning and Memory Formation’s Molecular Basis

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed a new platform to explore dendritic translation’s role in memory formation and its implications for intellectual disorders. ...