
Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost?

Debi Johnson

Summary: A new study urges researchers to explore how the smells of nature impact human health and well-being. While the ...

Sight and Smell of Food Kickstarts Liver Activity

Debi Johnson

Summary: Merely seeing and smelling food can activate adaptations in liver mitochondria in mice within minutes. This response is driven ...

Sense of Smell Relies on Predictive Coding More Than Vision

Debi Johnson

Summary: Our sense of smell operates on predictive coding more so than vision, challenging previous notions of smell as a ...

Dogs Sniffing Out PTSD – Neuroscience News

Debi Johnson

Summary: Dogs can be trained to detect stress-related volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human breath, potentially identifying the onset of ...

How Odors Influence Brain’s Decision Making Mechanism

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers have uncovered a novel function of the hippocampus in decision making, showing that specific brain cells, known as ...

Fruit Flies’ Sensory Evolution: A Whiff of Genetic Secrets

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers mapped the sensory evolution of fruit flies, revealing how genetic variations enable them to adapt their sense of ...

Sniffing Out Longevity: Aversion to Harmful Odors May Affect Lifespan

Debi Johnson

Summary: Nematodes from the species Caenorhabditis elegans show aversion to harmful odors, which might be an indicator of their enhanced ...