Penn State University

Webb Uncovers Ancient Galaxies That Defy Explanation

Daisy Hips

Researchers investigated three mysterious objects in the early universe. Shown here are their color images, composited from three NIRCam filter ...

New Research Shows H5N1 Bird Flu Can Transmit Through Air

Debi Johnson

Researchers at Penn State have demonstrated the airborne transmission of a new H5N1 virus strain in ferrets, marking a potential ...

Scientists Propose a New Continental Formation Theory

Daisy Hips

A new study by Penn State researchers suggests that cratons, ancient structures stabilizing Earth’s continents, formed around 3 billion years ...

Researchers Discover a Twist in How Diet Affects Aging

Debi Johnson

Penn State researchers have discovered complex effects of caloric restriction on telomere loss, suggesting potential long-term health benefits from dietary ...

“Cosmic Lighthouses” – Webb Unlocks the Secrets of the Universe’s First Light

Daisy Hips

Utilizing data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have unveiled the earliest starlight spectra, revealing low-mass galaxies’ central role ...

Climate Change Is Causing Trees To Struggle To “Breathe”

Daisy Hips

Recent research led by Penn State indicates that trees in warmer, drier environments struggle to absorb carbon dioxide, compromising their ...

Jury awards climate scientist Michael Mann $1 million in defamation lawsuit

Daisy Hips

WASHINGTON (AP) — A jury on Thursday awarded $1 million to climate scientist Michael Mann who sued a pair of ...

The Black Death’s Surprising Impact on Today’s Oral Health

Debi Johnson

The Black Death in the 14th century may have triggered a significant shift in the human oral microbiome, now associated ...

“Unusually Massive” – Astronomers Discover a Planet That Shouldn’t Exist

Daisy Hips

Penn State researchers have discovered an extraordinarily massive planet orbiting an ultracool dwarf star, challenging existing theories of planet and ...

Webb Space Telescope Finds Galaxies That Challenge Astronomical Theories

Daisy Hips

The second- and fourth-most distant galaxies ever seen (UNCOVER z-13 and UNCOVER z-12) have been confirmed using the James Webb ...

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