
Scientists discover real-life Star Wars ‘Death Star’ black holes: study

Daisy Hips

A Death Star is born. As if regular old star-gobbling black holes weren’t terrifying enough, scientists discovered that certain types ...

NASA finds potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanet, Gliese 12 b

Daisy Hips

NASA says that Gliese 12 b, about 40 light years away, could help researchers understand the habitability of other planets ...

Newly discovered comet brightens, grows tail as it heads toward Earth: report

Daisy Hips

US News By Steve Janoski Published May 26, 2024, 5:24 p.m. ET A newly-discovered comet is set to pass Earth ...

A Potentially Habitable World Just 40 Light-Years From Earth

Daisy Hips

Gliese 12 b, which orbits a cool, red dwarf star located just 40 light-years away, promises to tell astronomers more ...

Dead robot on Mars is still doing useful work for NASA, photos show

Daisy Hips

NASA’s InSight Lander ran out of power on Mars 18 months ago. But it’s still providing useful information to the ...

Astronomers Uncover a Baffling “Cosmic Mystery” – A Giant Planet As Fluffy as Cotton Candy

Daisy Hips

WASP-193b, a new exoplanet, is 50% larger than Jupiter but seven times less massive, with an extremely low density similar ...

Super Fluffy “Cotton Candy” Exoplanet Discovery Shocks Scientists – “We Cannot Explain How This Planet Formed”

Daisy Hips

Astronomers have discovered an enormous, low-density planet named WASP-193b, which is 50% larger than Jupiter but has a cotton candy-like ...

Scientists Discover Why “Earth’s Twin” Has Almost No Water

Daisy Hips

Venus today is dry thanks to water loss to space as atomic hydrogen. In the dominant loss process, an HCO+ ...

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, debris of Halley’s comet, peaks this weekend. Here’s how to see it

Daisy Hips

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, remnants of Halley’s comet, peaks this weekend. And with just a waning ...

Mars Express Discovers Mysterious Martian “Spiders”

Daisy Hips

The dark spots in this image from ESA’s Mars Express are the telltale sign of ‘spiders’ scattered across the southern ...