
Decoding the Geometry of Music: 70-Year-Old Math Problem Solved

Daisy Hips

Researchers have made a significant advance in spectral geometry by proving a special case of Pólya’s conjecture related to the ...

A Wake-Up Call From Antarctica

Daisy Hips

In this illustration, seawater flows deep below the surface into an actively opening ice shelf rift in Antarctica. New research ...

How Dopamine and Serotonin Influence Social Behavior

Debi Johnson

A study reveals the critical roles of dopamine and serotonin in decision-making based on social context, showing how these chemicals ...

Scientists Discover Bizarre Material Where Electrons Stand Still

Daisy Hips

Rice University researchers have discovered a novel 3D crystalline metal that locks electrons in place due to a unique interplay ...

Sun Emits Monumental X6.3 Flare, the Strongest in 6 Years

Daisy Hips

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of a solar flare – as seen in the bright flash in the ...

More Intelligent Than Previously Thought – Scientists Uncover Surprisingly Sophisticated Neanderthal Construction

Daisy Hips

The stone tool was glued into a handle made of liquid bitumen with the addition of 55 percent ochre. It ...

MIT’s New Graphene Breakthrough Is Shaping the Future of Quantum Computing

Daisy Hips

The fractional quantum Hall effect has generally been seen under very high magnetic fields, but MIT physicists have now observed ...

Revolutionary Fossil Find Unveils the Secrets of Early Human Movement

Daisy Hips

Recent research on the fossil ape Lufengpithecus’s inner ear structures offers new clues to the evolutionary steps towards human bipedalism, ...

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Spots Ingenuity Helicopter at Its Final Resting Place

Daisy Hips

Perseverance Spots Ingenuity at Its Final Airfield: NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover captured this mosaic showing the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter at ...

Scientists Develop New Dirt-Powered Fuel Cell That Runs Forever

Brendan Martin

Northwestern University researchers have introduced a soil-microbe-powered fuel cell, significantly outperforming similar technologies and providing a sustainable solution for powering ...