
New Recycling Method Could Make Polyethylene Waste a Thing of the Past

Daisy Hips

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have innovated a method to convert polyethylene waste into valuable chemicals using light-driven photocatalysis ...

Scientists Discover Groundbreaking Superconductor With On-Off Switches

Daisy Hips

A team of physicists has discovered a new superconducting material with unique tunability for external stimuli, promising advancements in energy-efficient ...

James Webb Telescope Deciphers Early Universe’s Black Hole Enigma

Daisy Hips

By The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University January 14, 2024 The James Webb Space Telescope has ...

Aging’s Antidote? The Crucial Role of HKDC1 in Keeping Cells Youthful

Daisy Hips

Osaka University research highlights the protein HKDC1’s critical role in preserving mitochondria and lysosomes, thus preventing cellular aging and related ...

Attoscience Lights the Way to Superconductivity

Daisy Hips

X-ray absorption spectroscopy, an essential tool in material analysis, has evolved with the advent of attosecond soft-X-ray pulses. These pulses ...

New Strategy Reveals “Full Chemical Complexity” of Quantum Decoherence

Daisy Hips

Rochester researchers have reported a strategy to understand how quantum coherence is lost for molecules in solvent with full chemical ...

The Hidden Mechanism of Gene Creation

Daisy Hips

A new study reveals a mechanism for generating DNA palindromes that could lead to new microRNA genes, shedding light on ...

How Plasma Instability Is Changing Our View of the Universe

Daisy Hips

Scientists have discovered a new plasma instability, revolutionizing our understanding of cosmic rays. This breakthrough reveals that cosmic rays generate ...

Is Gravity Quantum? New Experiment To Probe Universe’s Deepest Mystery

Daisy Hips

Scientists from several universities are collaborating on an experiment named ‘MAST-QG’ to determine if gravity has quantum properties. The experiment, ...

How One Genetic Variant Could Ward Off Weight Gain

Debi Johnson

A new study reveals a genetic variant in the GIP receptor that may help resist obesity by altering metabolism. Mice ...