Quantum Physics

New Spin-Spin-Velocity Experiments Could Rewrite Physics Textbooks

Daisy Hips

Chinese researchers have used solid-state spin quantum sensors to investigate new velocity-related interactions between electron spins, providing valuable data and ...

Quantum Entanglement Measures Earth’s Rotation Like Never Before

Daisy Hips

The experiment was pictured drawing a fiber Sagnac interferometric scheme inside a magnifying inset starting from a local position (Vienna, ...

A Unique Quantum State of Matter Emerges at Columbia

Daisy Hips

Researchers at Columbia University have created a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) using sodium-cesium molecules, cooled to just five nanoKelvin and stable ...

Breaking Light Speed: The Quantum Tunneling Enigma

Daisy Hips

Quantum tunneling allows particles to bypass energy barriers. A new method has been proposed to measure the time it takes ...

Quantum Breakthrough Reveals Superconductor’s Hidden Nature

Daisy Hips

Researchers at Tokyo Tech identify the quantum critical point in superconductors, solving a three-decade-old mystery and enhancing the understanding of ...

Quantum Gravity Unveiled – Scientists Crack the Cosmic Code That Baffled Einstein

Daisy Hips

Researchers have developed a method to measure gravity at a microscopic level, marking a significant advancement in understanding quantum gravity. ...

There’s a New Theory About Where Dark Matter Is Hiding

Daisy Hips

But there may be opportunities to indirectly spot the signatures of those gravitons. One strategy Vafa and his collaborators are ...

‘Quantum gravity’ could help unite quantum mechanics with general relativity at last

Daisy Hips

Scientists have determined a way to measure gravity on microscopic levels, perhaps bringing them closer to forming a theory of ...

Physicists Unlock Quantum Immortality With Revolutionary Time Crystal

Daisy Hips

Scientists have made a significant advancement in the field of quantum physics by producing a time crystal with a lifespan ...

Defying Current Theories of Superconductivity – “Sudden Death” of Quantum Fluctuations Stuns Scientists

Daisy Hips

 Princeton physicists have uncovered a groundbreaking quantum phase transition in superconductivity, challenging established theories and highlighting the need for new ...

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