
Democratic operative admits to commissioning fake Biden robocall that used AI

Evan Massoud

Steve Kramer, a veteran political consultant working for a rival candidate, acknowledged Sunday that he commissioned the robocall that impersonated ...

A magician says a Democratic operative paid him to make the fake Biden New Hampshire robocall that is under investigation

Evan Massoud

NEW ORLEANS — A Democratic consultant who worked for a rival presidential campaign paid a New Orleans magician to use ...

New Orleans magician says he made AI Biden robocall for aide to challenger

Evan Massoud

A magician in New Orleans says he was the person who used artificial intelligence to create an audio recording of ...

We’re Entering a New Era for Robocalls and Deep Fakes Because of AI

Gregory Daniels

Over the weekend, some Democrats received calls telling them to skip the New Hampshire primary. The voice on the call ...