
Amazon enters $2 trillion club

Barbara Terrio

Traders walk the floor during morning trading at the New York Stock Exchange on May 14, 2024. Spencer Platt | ...

Dead robot on Mars is still doing useful work for NASA, photos show

Daisy Hips

NASA’s InSight Lander ran out of power on Mars 18 months ago. But it’s still providing useful information to the ...

Scientists perform research build robots that move like animals

Daisy Hips

Many of us have seen impressive videos of humanoid robots that walk, talk, and even seem to think like ...

Robot Masters Terrain with Animal-Like Gait Transitions

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers leveraged deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to enable a robot to adaptively switch gaits, mimicking animal movements like trotting ...

Robots vs. Animals: Who Wins the Race in Natural Settings?

Daisy Hips

Summary: Researchers explored whether modern robots can outpace biological organisms in speed and agility. The study concludes that despite advances ...

Tiny Robotic Nerve Cuffs Promise Breakthrough in Neurocare

Debi Johnson

Summary: Researchers developed innovative, flexible devices that can gently wrap around nerve fibers, potentially transforming the diagnosis and treatment of ...

Lake Orion High student died on school trip to Houston, officials say

Gregory Daniels

A Lake Orion High School student died last week while on a school trip to Texas, school officials confirmed. “It ...

Apple is developing personal robots for your home, Bloomberg says

Brendan Martin

Apple is still on the hunt for the next revolutionary product to help it remain dominant in the market and ...

How Solitons Bend Time, Space, and Rules

Daisy Hips

Topological solitons, integral to various natural and technological processes, are being harnessed through non-reciprocal interactions to innovate in materials science ...

Cancer Patient Died From Intestinal Tear Caused By Surgical Robot: Lawsuit

Barbara Terrio

A Florida woman’s death is being blamed on injuries caused when a hospital’s surgical robot burned a hole in her ...

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