
My Family Kept My Dad’s Secret For Years. I Wasn’t Prepared For What Telling The Truth Would Mean.

Debi Johnson

Family secrets are nothing new. It’s safe to say that almost every family has probably hidden something from others, and ...

Mother, 31, who battled obesity and eating disorders from the age of 14 reveals the secrets behind her incredible 130LB weight loss

Debi Johnson

Jamie Mills, from Connecticut, has struggled with weight since she was a child At her highest, she was 290 pounds ...

75-year-old who is in PERFECT health reveals the ‘SHIELD’ lifestyle regimen he relies on to ‘protect’ his physical and mental wellbeing as he ages

Debi Johnson

Ng Kok Song is as mentally and physically strong as he’s ever been He uses the formula SHIELD on a day-today ...

Scientists are studying a 116-year-old San Francisco-born grandma who is the oldest woman in the world to learn her secrets and develop cures for diseases

Debi Johnson

Maria Branyas from Spain is 115 years old with no major health conditions She credits eating natural yogurt and exploring nature ...