senior health

Scientists Reveal Foods To Eat Now To Stave Off Cognitive Decline Later

Debi Johnson

What you eat when you’re young and middle aged can affect how your brain functions as you age, new research ...

Scientists Reveal Foods To Eat Now To Stave Off Cognitive Decline Later

Debi Johnson

What you eat when you’re young and middle aged can affect how your brain functions as you age, new research ...

‘Exciting’ New Parkinson’s Treatment May Cure Root Cause

Debi Johnson

An “exciting” new Parkinson’s disease drug promises to not only treat but to cure the condition at its root cause. ...

Neuroscientists Warn of ‘Cascading’ Alzheimer’s Risk From These Two Habits

Debi Johnson

Two common habits could be putting you at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and related dementias, neuroscientists have warned. Alzheimer’s ...

Harvard Cardiologist Debunks Three Common Myths About Heart Disease

Debi Johnson

Every 33 seconds someone in the U.S. dies of cardiovascular disease, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...

Scientists Make Breakthrough in Detecting Early Alzheimer’s

Debi Johnson

Scientists may have discovered a new diagnostic tool for recognizing the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, providing hope for early ...