solar power

Doing the impossible: harvesting solar power from space

Daisy Hips

It’s an idea straight out of science fiction: A space station orbits around Earth, harvesting energy from the sun and ...

Warwickshire solar farm row pits ‘builders against blockers’

Christine Lake

Local business owner David Clapp said he feared the solar farm could pave the way for a “deluge” of planning ...

Are wind turbines bad, solar panels toxic?

Barbara Terrio

Here’s how wind farms affect our environment Wind energy is the largest renewable energy source in the US, but it ...

How one couple’s land lease became a fight

Barbara Terrio

Opposition to large solar and wind farms grows in Kansas One farm family hopes to see a solar energy plant ...

Flight controllers contact crippled Japanese moon lander

Daisy Hips

Japanese flight controllers re-established contact with the robotic SLIM lunar lander Saturday, eight days after the spacecraft tipped over and ...

Space rescue! Watch a satellite being saved from a wire snag (video)

Daisy Hips

A satellite got all tangled up last year after its launch into space. Engineers had to quickly pivot after the ...

The fate of Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ mission remains unclear after landing due to power issue

Daisy Hips

Editor’s note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign ...

A Lucrative Tax Credit for Making Clean Fuel Won’t Be So Easy to Get

Evan Massoud

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday issued its long-awaited plan to provide lucrative tax breaks to companies that make ...

A Solar Superstorm Struck Earth 150 Years Ago – Now, New Research Reveals That They Are Much More Common That We Thought

Daisy Hips

A Japanese auroral drawing showing an observation at Okazaki on 4 February 1872, as reproduced with courtesy of Shounji Temple ...

Coal-producing West Virginia is converting an entire school system to solar power

Evan Massoud

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — An entire county school system in coal-producing West Virginia is going solar, representing what a developer ...