
Best places to watch in Michigan, Ohio

Elaine Hadley

What to know when you’re searching for eclipse glasses There are a few key pieces of information you’ll want to ...

Everything you need to know to watch

Elaine Hadley

A stunning solar eclipse is almost here. Without a doubt, the full eclipse in the U.S. in 2017 was one ...

Things to do on April 8

Daisy Hips

April’s total solar eclipse will cut across North America Sunglasses won’t cut it during the April 8 eclipse. Millions of ...

Are wind turbines bad, solar panels toxic?

Barbara Terrio

Here’s how wind farms affect our environment Wind energy is the largest renewable energy source in the US, but it ...

How one couple’s land lease became a fight

Barbara Terrio

Opposition to large solar and wind farms grows in Kansas One farm family hopes to see a solar energy plant ...

Total solar eclipse in April will be last visible in U.S. until 2044

Daisy Hips

The next total solar eclipse in the United States, the first in seven years, will arrive this spring.  If you ...

From a Total Solar Eclipse to 11 meteor showers: The stunning astronomical events set to grace our skies in 2024

Daisy Hips

2024 may be the year that wealthy ‘space tourists’ pay billions of dollars to jet into orbit aboard luxury space pods.  ...

Chinese scientists bring record-breaking Stirling generator to life while Nasa’s patent stays on paper

Brendan Martin

Though Nasa’s LEW-TOPS-80 patent aligns with this goal, proposing a thermoacoustic engine paired with an alternator to generate electricity in ...

Solar storms are headed for earth. But, what does that mean really?

Daisy Hips

Federal forecasters on Friday afternoon announced that “geomagnetic disturbances” due to incoming solar storms are likely here on Earth starting ...