Trinity College Dublin

Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered

Debi Johnson

Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery about Long COVID’s neurological effects, including brain fog and cognitive decline. By identifying blood ...

New Color-Changing Invention Enables “Time Travel” Within Cells

Daisy Hips

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland have developed innovative fluorescent dyes that change ...

Ancient Extinction Mirrors Today’s Ocean Crisis: Deoxygenation’s Role Unveiled

Daisy Hips

A study in Nature Geosciences reveals that oceanic anoxia significantly contributed to marine extinctions during the Triassic–Jurassic period, with current ...

Plants Might Be Able To Absorb More CO2 Than Expected

Daisy Hips

Recent research indicates that plants could absorb more atmospheric CO2 than previously believed, providing a hopeful perspective on climate change ...