Virgin Galactic

NASA Doesn’t Want Random Billionaires Messing Up The Hubble Space Telescope

Daisy Hips

Billionaires are having a moment with space right now. Elon Musk with SpaceX, Jeff Bezos with Blue Origin, even Richard ...

No, You Can’t Actually Eat A Michelin Star Meal in Space

Brendan Martin

Space tourism has unlocked a new brand of luxury travel, one which promises expensive meals and designer flight suits with ...

Playboy’s Forgotten Plans To Put The Grotto In Orbit

Daisy Hips

GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT > Culture By Henry Hards | Published 1 hour ago In 2012, during the earlier days of ...

Virgin Galactic launches sixth commercial space tourism flight

Daisy Hips

Virgin Galactic’s winged rocketplane carried a two-man crew and four passengers to the edge of space and back Friday, chalking ...

Meet the 4 astronauts of SpaceX’s Ax-3 launch for Axiom Space

Daisy Hips

Houston-based Axiom Space is poised for the company’s third private astronaut launch to space. Ax-3 will carry a four-person, all-European ...

Virgin Galactic to launch 6th commercial spaceflight on Jan. 26

Daisy Hips

Virgin Galactic’s sixth commercial spaceflight will lift off next month, if all goes according to plan. The mission, known as ...

Virgin Galactic chalks up fifth commercial flight to space in a row

Daisy Hips

Planetary scientist Alan Stern, who spearheaded NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto, enjoyed a spaceflight of his own Thursday, soaring ...

Virgin Galactic set to launch Galactic 05 mission with research duo on Nov. 2

Daisy Hips

Virgin Galactic is set to take off on its fifth commercial spaceflight since it began the service last summer. Galactic ...

Meet the crew of Virgin Galactic’s 5th commercial spaceflight launching on Nov. 2

Daisy Hips

On pace with its once-a-month flight goal, Virgin Galactic is about to embark on its fifth commercial mission, and likely ...