Vulcan Centaur

Private Peregrine moon lander powers up lunar payloads despite propulsion anomaly

Daisy Hips

All may not be lost for Astrobotic’s Peregrine moon lander. Soon after launching on the first-ever flight of United Launch ...

Stuck valve may have doomed private Peregrine moon lander mission, Astrobotic says

Daisy Hips

Astrobotic has homed in on a potential cause for the problems plaguing its Peregrine moon lander. Peregrine launched early Monday ...

1st photo from crippled private Peregrine moon lander holds clue to anomaly

Daisy Hips

Astrobotic’s troubled Peregrine moon lander has snapped its first photo in the final frontier, and the image holds clues about ...

Private Peregrine moon lander suffers ‘critical’ fuel loss after launch, mission at risk

Daisy Hips

It looks like Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander won’t win the private moon race. The spacecraft suffered a serious anomaly in its ...

First Flight of the Vulcan Rocket Sends an American Lander Toward the Moon

Daisy Hips

A brand-new rocket lifted off early Monday morning from Cape Canaveral, Florida, sending a robotic spacecraft toward the surface of ...

First US moon landing mission in decades launches with NASA science, humans remains on board

Daisy Hips

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. ...

Watch Vulcan rocket launch private Peregrine moon lander on debut mission early Jan. 8

Daisy Hips

A historic moon mission will launch early Monday morning (Jan. 8), and you can watch the action live. United Launch ...

For Astrobotic, big risk (and bigger reward) ride on private Peregrine moon lander’s Jan. 8 launch

Daisy Hips

The upcoming liftoff of a moon lander — Peregrine Mission One — is a nail-biter for many reasons. As a ...

What time is ULA’s 1st Vulcan rocket launch with Astrobotic’s private moon lander on Jan. 8?

Daisy Hips

After weeks of delays, the United Launch Alliance is ready to launch its first-ever Vulcan rocket — a test flight ...

Navajo Nation objects to private moon mission placing human remains on the lunar surface

Daisy Hips

For better or worse, the moon is officially open for business. On Monday (Jan. 8), United Launch Alliance’s shiny new ...

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