West Nile Virus

100 Israelis have been infected with West Nile virus – Israel News

Debi Johnson

West Nile Virus continues to claim victims, with Maariv reporting that at least 100 people have been infected with ...

Seven dead as a result of West Nile virus – Israel News

Debi Johnson

The Israeli Health Ministry reported on Thursday that 81 people have been diagnosed with West Nile virus, 64 of ...

Fatal West Nile virus pandemic hits Israel, kills two – Israel News

Debi Johnson

Israel’s Health Ministry announced on Sunday that there are currently 21 people diagnosed with West Nile virus, of which ...

Two die from cases of West Nile virus, over 25 Israelis infected

Debi Johnson

Two elderly women in their 80s died at noon on Saturday at Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus, after allegedly contracting ...

Recent rain brought the mosquitos, what’s the best way to fight back against these pesky bugs?

Debi Johnson

HOUSTON – With all the recent rain in Houston, comes the mosquitoes! Each bite can leave more than just an ...