Donald Trump Issues Ominous Warning to Joe Biden

Donald Trump warned that President Joe Biden has “opened up a Pandora’s box” and also risks getting indicted himself if the Republican returns to the White House.

Trump, the frontrunner in the 2024 GOP presidential primary, made the remarks during a speech at the Young Republican Club’s annual gala in New York on Saturday night.

The former president has frequently accused the four criminal investigations into him where he has pleaded not guilty to 91 counts in total, including 44 federal charges, of being politically motivated attempts to prevent him winning the 2024 Election.

Speaking at the black-tie event, Trump made an ominous warning to Biden, who is also facing a possible impeachment hearing over disputed claims that he influenced and benefited from his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals while in office.

Donald Trump in New York
Donald Trump on December 9, 2023, in New York City. The Republican issued President Joe Biden with a warning should he return to the White House.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

“He’s opened up a Pandora’s box that will never let our country be the same. I can only say to Joe: Be very careful what you wish for, but what you have done is a terrible thing,” Trump said.

“I am being indicted for you. These are not indictments in the traditional sense. These are Biden indictments against their political opponent,” he added.

The White House and Trump’s office have been contacted for comment via email.

There have been fears that Trump may become an authoritarian figure once he returns to the White House and abuse his power to seek revenge on his political enemies.

During a recent town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, the former president was asked to promise that he would never “abuse power as retribution against anybody” if he wins the next election.

“Except for day one,” Trump said. “I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill,” he added in reference to his vow to expand oil drilling in the U.S.

When Hannity says “that’s not retribution,” Trump responds: “I love this guy, he says, ‘you’re not going to be a dictator are you?’ I said no, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.”

During his Saturday speech, Trump repeated his claim that he wants to be dictator for “one day” if he reenters the White House.

“[Peter] Baker today in The New York Times, he said that I want to be a dictator. I didn’t say that, I said I want to be a dictator for one day,” Trump said.

“And you know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, right? I want a wall and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

Trump’s speech at the New York Young Republican Club was also not the first time that he has warned about a potential backlash to Biden and his administration if he returns as president.

“The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it’s our turn,” Trump wrote on Truth Social in September.

“They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. So cheap and dirty, but that’s where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!”